Join us from 10am to 1pm at..


6th October

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About this event

GrowthCLUB is a once a quarter workshop that makes creating tactical plans for your business both educational and fun.

GrowthCLUB is a 90-day business planning workshop that will help you create a framework and guidance for your success. We will inspire and assist you to build a step-by-step practical and relevant action plan for your business. With half day planning sessions every quarter, in GrowthCLUB, you are trained on strategies that will help you master your time, be clear on your priorities and equip you with the mindset and tools you need to achieve your goals. You're given practical tools that ensure you come out fo the workshop with a set of clear and SMART goals for the quarter ahead.

GrowthCLUB is for any size of business, whether you’re the business owner with no employees, or part of a larger organisation with a large team. This variety in business size attendance also makes it more interesting, as it's great for extending your range of business contacts and allowing attendees to find commonality and connections.

For existing clients of ActionCOACH Rotherham, the workshop is included in their coaching package. For all others attending, the cost is £195 + VAT. However, we're willing to provide others with a free place if they bring along a guest who's a business owner.

Here’s how it works:

✔ Half Day Planning each Quarter will map out your next 90 days.

✔ Regular workshops and focus sessions with all members of the Club.

✔ Access to your ActionCOACH Business Coach.

✔ Learn from the strategies implemented in other businesses.

✔ Broaden your sphere of contacts by networking with other business owners in your area.

ActionCOACH Rotherham GrowthCLUB